Friday, 27 September 2013

ARC 2723 [Work Progress]

Computer Application [ARC 2723]
Project 1: Modeling of an Architectural design

On this first project, These are the progress of my modeling of a building which I choose from On this project, firstly, I trace the floor plan from the website by using Reference command. Second, I measure the height of the building by using building elevation drawing as a guidance and then I try to extrude the wall. Third, is about extruding the windows, doors and the stair. Fourth, After i extrude all the wall, floors, windows, doors, and the stair, I join the the first floor with the ground floor and then I extrude the roof on the building.

Tracing the floor plan by using reference image.

extrude the wall by the elevation plans as the reference.

extruding the stair.

windows extruding.

joint the first floor to the ground floor.

make the roof.

perspective view by using auto cad.

Philip Sutejo